

Ball handling 1
Ball handling 2
Ball handling 3
Footwork drill 1
Footwork drill 2
Footwork drill 3
Footwork drill 4
Footwork drill 5
Full court passing 1
Full court passing 2
Full court passing 3
Full court passing 4
Shooting 1

Ball handling 1

1) کنترل کردن توپ
محافظت از توپ با دریبل
قرار گرفتن در محوطه 3 امتیازی و سعی در زدن توپ حریف و یا توپ ربایی
از دست دادن توپ یا کنترل بد ==> از بازی بیرون

چه کسی پیروز شد ؟


Ball handling 2

کنترل کردن توپ

دریبل سرعتی: outlet position, speed dribble, elbow shot

اهداف تمرین:
استفاده از تمرینات پایه ای حمله
قرار دادن بازیکنان همانند شکل مقابل
بازیکن شماره 2 یک پاس به بیرون به بازیکن شماره 1و بازیکن شماره 1 با دریبل سرعتی به طرف حلقه رفته و یک شوت میکند.

بازیکن شماره 2 ریباند میکند.
این تمرین پشت سر هم انجام میگردد.
چرخش بازیکنان

تعویض و جابجایی بازیکنان


Ball handling 3

کنترل کردن توپ

(دریبل تاخیری و دریبل به عقب  ) Hesitation dribble (back up dribble)

اهداف ) purpose:
To gain overview after a stopped penetration or a fast break.

استفاده یا سودجستن بعداز توقف یا ضد حمله 
(تولید و ابداع )producer
on the free throw line, 1/2 court line, far free throw line  do the following jobs:
روی خط پنالتی ،روی خط وسط زمین ، خارج از خط پنالتی کارهای زیر را انجام دهید.

speed dribble, protection dribble, back up dribble, cross over dribble, speed dribble......

دریبل سرعتی ،دریبل محافظتی ، دریبل به عقب ، دریبل متقاطع


Footwork drill 1

تمرینات پاها

تمرینات نردبانی

گرم کردن وبهبود بخشیدن  Warming up  & improve conditioning

Players line up at the baseline in groups of four or five.

تمامی بازیکنا روی خط عرضی زمین در چهار یا پنج گروه می ایستند.

سپس با شنیدن صدای سوت بازیکنان با حداکثر سرعت بطرف نزدیکترین خط پنالتی رفته و بطرف خط عرضی زمین برمیگردند.سپس با لمس کردن خط دوباره با حداکثر سرعت بطرف خط وسط زمین رفته و سپس دوباره برمیگردند . این عمل تا آنجائیکه چهار نقطه زمین لمس گردد ادامه خواهد داشت.
On signal, the players sprint forward to the nearest free throw line en backwards to baseline. Then after touching the baseline the players sprint forward to half court line and backwards to end line. And so on.


Footwork drill 2

1) Footwork drills
Agility jumps (squat)

Purpose :
To develop coordination and foot quickness and to improve conditioning


Each player is positioned with both feet on one side of a line on court.
The players jumps rapidly and continuously from one side of the line to the other.

Square Jumps : with feet together, the players jump in a square pattern-forwards, sideways, backwards en sideways


Footwork drill 3
1) Footwork drills

Purpose :
Quick start and ability to change speed while running

The players line up along the end line. On signal the players jog to free throw line, sprint to 1/2 court line, slowdown and jog to the far free throw line, the sprint to the end line.

Footwork drill 4
1) Footwork drills

Purpose : to learn good pivoting


Start the drill with the player mid-court, cutting sharply to the right corner, where he makes a jump stop and then does a reverse pivot, and cuts to the block.
There he makes a V-cut back out to the elbow of the free throw line extended area.
There he makes a front pivot and receives the pass in TTP. Finally he takes a layup, rebounds and replaces the passer. The passer goes to the other players group

Footwork drill 5
1) Footwork drills

Diagonal run (Z-drill)

Purpose :
To improve the ability of change directions quickly when running.

Players form single file behind the baseline.
The first player sprints diagonally to the free-throw elbow and makes a sharp cut to the right, pushing off the left pivot foot.
Then he sprints to the junction 1/2 court line and the sideline and makes a sharp cut to the left, pushing off the right pivot foot.
And so on.

Full court passing 1
1) Full court passing
FC lay-up drill

Purpose: quicky passing to moving target

#1 starts in dribble
#2 sprint to midcourt.
On 1/2 court line, #1 passes to #2
#2 catches the ball and scores with a layup

#1 ==> #2 ==> #1

Coaching points:

Quick passing IN FRONT of the running teammate

Full court passing 2
1) Passing Full court
FC Transition drill

Quickly transition from offense to defense

#1 dribbles to the 1/2 court line and passes to #2.
#2 makes a give and go with #1 and then rebounds the lay-up of #1.
#1 quickly sprint to the 1/2 court line, makes a reverse pivot and swing steps to the baseline.
#2 dribbles to the sideline.
Then the pattern will continue with #2 making the pass to #1 and so on.

Full court passing 3
1) Passing full court
Long pass after a dribble

Passing out of the dribble


Set the team up as showed on the diagram.

#2 flashes to the sideline and receives a pass from #1.
#3 sprints to the offensive board and receives a baseball-pass from #2.
#3 scores with a lay-up. #2  takes the rebound.

Rotation: #1==> #3==> #2==> #1

progression: build in a jump shot, 1-on-1
2) Same as sequence 1, but we add a defender on the flyer

Full court passing 4
1) Passing full court
Long pass after a dribble

Passing out of the dribble


Set the team up as showed on the diagram..

#2 flashes to the sideline and receives pass from #3
#1 sprints to the offensive board and receives a baseball-pass from #2
#1 scores with a lay-up. #2  takes the rebound

Rotation: #1==> #2==> #3==> #1

progression: build in a jump shot, 1-on-1
2) Same as sequence 1, but we add  defenders on the flyer and one on the guard.

Coaching points:

Create a lead !!

Shooting 1
1) Shooting
shot after a V-cut

Shot after creating a lead with a V-cut

Set team up a shown

#1 passes to #2 and V-cuts to the ball.
#1 receives the ball, pivot and shot
#2 rebounds the ball.

rotation: switch the files

progression: different sorts of shots
reverse + shot
reverse+fake+cross over + shot......