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1-2-2 half court zone
20-2-3 zone
2-1-2 (21)
2-3 (23) tight
2-3 basic movement 1
2-3 tandem
5-on-4 shell drill
Diamond defense
Drillo/petter high zone
Zonal 1-2-2

1-2-2 half court zone
1) This is the 1-2-2 pressure zone.

The 1 is to meet the ball at half court to begin putting pressure on the ball..

The 2 & 3 are stationed at the elbow to prevent any penetration..

The 4 & 5 are at the box for interior defense and rebounds.
2) 1 passes the ball to the 3. The defense should shift according to the ball.

So the 3 on defense would play man and the 1 would take his place on the elbow.
3) 1 comes down to the elbow and the 3 is in man on the ball.
4) Let's say the 3 passes back to the 1 and goes to the corner followed by the one dribbling to the wing.

The 3 would follow and play the passing lane. The 1 would play a man on the ball. The 2 would move to the middle of the foul line. The 5 would front the post. The 4 would cheat over for help if needed and be in position for rebounding.

The 2 & 4 should be mindful of where there man is in case they try to cut down in the middle.

Nothing for them to do.
5) Let's say the 1 dribble back to the top & the 3 move up on the wing.

We're back in our original setup of the zone.
6) If they send a high post player the 2 & 3 close in on this player if the ball is at the top of the key.
7) If the 2 drop to the baseline.

The rotation is the 2 drop to the passing lane and the 3 front the high post.

The 4 can cheat up a little to the middle for no penetrating access.

The key to this defense is that there's always someone putting pressure on the ball.

20-2-3 zone
1) "20" is our 2-3 zone. Here we have our guards ready to defend the three point line, and the back row of the zone should line up with the first marker above the block. This forces the offense to start further than they want.

Can be effective against an aggressive penetrating team. Players will use our man to man principles when playing zone.
2) As the offense comes down the court the zone has to match-up. The arrows indicate the appropriate matchups for this alignment.

Communication is key when playing zone. The defense must be talking to each other.
3) If 1 passes the ball to 2 the defense would stay with their matchups, but if 1 passes to 3 then BUMPING begins.

x1 would bump x4 down. x4 does not leave until x1 tells him to.

BUMPING will occur only when a back line defender is out guarding a perimeter player.
4) In this situation the offense has a high post (5). x5 will match-up with 5.

x1 and x2 will help x5 by trying to get a hand in any passing lane to 5.

x5 will keep 5 as far away from the basket as possible on any shots taken by the offense.
5) If the offense overloads a side by sending a cutter through, it is very crucial that the defenders communicate.  x2 must yell "cutter" and he must bump or slow down the cutter. x3 and x5 will also look to slow down the cutter.

x1 bumps x4 down, and x2 rotates up. x4 will match up with 2 in the corner.
6) If they overload to the opposite side. x2 does not bump. x4 yells "cutter" and slows down 3's progress. x3 will match-up with 3 on the perimeter, x5 will slide over and x4 takes the opposite low post (5).

2-1-2 (21)
1) Position on defense in relation to ball


X1 and X2 straddle circle no more than 2 ft. apart from arms extended.
X3 andX4 straddle foul line stand above block
X5 in front of basket toes on broken circle line

X1 slide left > protect high post
X2 assist with high post > stop fast return pass to weak side
X3 moves up and in lane with ball > cut off passing lanes inside foul line extended
X4 covers lane > plays in front of basket
X5 halfway position > assist with high post > cuts off any passes to low post

X2 slide left > protect high post
X1 assist with high post > stop fast return pass to weak side
X4 moves up and in lane with ball > cut off passing lanes inside foul line extended
X3 covers lane > plays in front of basket
X5 halfway position > assist with high post > cuts off any passes to low post

X1 responsible for pass to high post
X2 moves behind post for lob pass
X3 moves up to foul line extended > plays outside shoulder > DO NOT PERMIT DRIBBLE DOWN SIDELINE
X5 covers pass to low post
X4 protects basket and lob passes to weak side

X2 responsible for pass to high post
X1 moves behind post for lob pass
X4 moves up to foul line extended > plays outside shoulder > DO NOT PERMIT DRIBBLE DOWN SIDELINE
X5 covers pass to low post
X3 protects basket and lob passes to weak side

If offense dribbles out X3 automatically doubles with X5
X1 prevents pass to high post > plays arm and leg rule > look into basket
X2 covers lane > must rebound weak side
X3 prevents pass from corner
X4 prevents pass to low post > plays arm and leg rule low post
X5 protects baseline > (bounces off baseline) > traps in corner


If offense dribbles out X4 automatically doubles with X2
X1 plays arm and leg rule > look into basket
X2 prevents pass from corner
X3 covers lane > must rebound weak side
X4 protects baseline > (bounces off baseline) > traps in corner
X5 plays arm and leg rule low post

2-3 (23) tight
1) Position on defense in relation to ball


X1 and X2 straddle circle line no more than 2ft. apart from arms extended
X3 and X4 straddle foul line 1ft. above block >
X5 line up on broken circle > stop penetration to high post

X1 slides left to protect high post
X2 assist with high post > stops return pass to weak side
X3 moves up lane with ball > cuts off passing lanes inside of foul line extended
X4 covers lane > plays in front of basket
X5 halfway position > assist with high post > cuts off any pass to low post


X2 slides left to protect high post
X1 assist with high post > stops return pass to weak side
X4 moves up lane with ball > cuts off passing lanes inside of foul line extended
X3 covers lane > plays in front of basket
X5 halfway position > assist with high post > cuts off any pass to low post

X1 responsible for pass to high post
X2 moves behind post > covers lob pass
X3 moves up to foul line extended > plays outside shoulder > DO NOT PERMIT DRIBBLE DOWN SIDE LINE > cuts off passing lanes inside of foul line extended
X4 protects basket > rebound weak side
X5 covers pass to low post

X2 responsible for pass to high post
X1 moves behind post > covers lob pass
X4 moves up to foul line extended > plays outside shoulder > DO NOT PERMIT DRIBBLE DOWN SIDE LINE > cuts off passing lanes inside of foul line extended
X3 protects basket > rebound weak side
X5 covers pass to low post

If offense dribbles out X3 automatically doubles with X5
X1 prevents pass to high post > plays arm and leg rule > look into basket
X2 covers lane > must rebound weak side
X3 prevents pass from corner > sink inside
X4 prevents pass to low post > plays arm and leg rule low post
X5 protects baseline > (bounces off baseline) > traps in corner

If offense dribbles out X4 automatically doubles with X5
X2prevents pass to high post > plays arm and leg rule > look into basket
X1 covers lane > must rebound weak side
X4 prevents pass from corner > sink inside
X3 prevents pass to low post > plays arm and leg rule low post
X5 protects baseline > (bounces off baseline) > traps in corner


2-3 basic movement 1
1) This is a basic defense that will work for almost any team.  It promotes team work and help defense.

When the defense is initially set up, the 1 and 2 guards are at the free throw line.  3 and 4 are the wings, 5 is in the middle.
2) When the ball is passed to the right wing, the 2 and 4 players play the ball.  1 denies the cross court pass, 3 denies the high post and 5 denies the low post.
3) This is the base set up again.
If offensive player 1 tries to penetrate the defense, defenders 1 and 2 just close up and get side by side.
4) When the ball goes to the left wing the players rotate over.  1 and 3 are now on the ball and 2 denies the cross court pass, 4 denies the high post and 5 denies the low post.
Wherever the ball goes on the half court this defense will always look like a 2-3 zone.  Two people will always be on the ball and the other 3 will be lined up.

2-3 tandem
1) 2 - 3 Tandem

X1 picks ball up at half court
#2 protects against pass to high post
X3 and X4 straddle foul line 1ft. above block


X5 line up on broken circle > stop penetration to high post

X1 slides left to protect high post
X2 plays player with ball
X3 moves up lane with ball > cuts off passing lanes inside of foul line extended
X4 covers lane > plays in front of basket
X5 halfway position > assist with high post > cuts off any pass to low post

If offense dribbles out X2 automatically doubles with X3
X1 prevents pass to high post > plays arm and leg rule > look into basket
X4 covers lane > must rebound weak side
X5 prevents pass from corner > sink inside
X5 prevents pass to low post > plays arm and leg rule low post
X3 protects baseline > (bounces off baseline) > traps in corner

5-on-4 shell drill
1) Effective drill for teaching defensive rotations and communication.

The offensive players stay stationary throughout the drill until the coach gives the instruction for the offense to go "live" (move, cut, and try to score)

For several passes, the defense must rotate to offensive players based upon ball position and each defender's position. During the rotation stage, the defense is not allowed to intercept or steal the ball. This drill is designed to focus on proper defensive footwork, communication, and rotations.
2) To start the drill, the coach will blow the whistle and the defender closest to the ball closes the offensive player out and calls out "Ball" - Each offensive player will hold the ball until the next whistle (2-3 seconds). The 2 defenders closest to the offensive players who are one pass away will close out in deny position and call out "Deny" - The remaining defender will find the midline and play help defense in the center of the lane and call out "Help" ("Help" position is any defender 2 passes away from the ball)
3) This process will continue until the coach specifies. Defensive communication is vital to this drill because the defense is shorthanded and at some point, each defender will guard several different players as the offense reverses the ball several times. So, not only must each defender call out "ball", "deny", or "help", he/she must also call out who is taking the ball on rotations where 2 defenders could potentially rotate to the ball.


Diamond defense
1) 1 plays as a chaser.
2) Everyone stay home in support.
2's zone is the top of the key.
3) 3's zone is the lower left side.
4) When the ball handler comes back out
It's a perfectly ok for 1 & 2 switch positions in transition.
5) 4's zone is the lower right side.
6) 5 always respect the shooting lanes.
7) 5 cannot forget to hold down the middle.
8) If you are successful.
They will have to take it back to the top.
They might even make a bad shot or pass.

Drillo/petter high zone
1) BSK.

This is a zone defense that is not as compact as   normal zonal defenses. The zone is easily adjusted depending on the qualities of your opponents from game to game. It works particularly well for "short" teams against strong centers.

Using this defense you will see that zonal offenses will have big problems breaking it.

The key to making this defense successful is to secure the high-post area, in this case, to take out O(ffense)4. It's defenders D1 and D2 job to do this. Doing this enables D5 to concentrate on low center (O5), and D3 and D4 to defend a bit higher.
2) If pass goes to forward...
3) *D2 goes out. (Note: Give offense the base-line, standing in the passing line to the point guard (O1).)
*D1 is now securing the high-post.
*D5 plays on the back of O5.
*D4 comes in to the paint, sagging to strong side.
*D3 has two options:
   1. Double team forward (O2) with D2.
   2. Stand between forward and center,
       disabling pass to low-post.

Note: If the pass were to go to the other wing (O3), D3 fronts of O5 and D5 sags towards the ball.
4) If pass goes to the low-post.

* D1 secures high-post, fronting O4.
* D3 sags down double teaming O5.
* D2 take a stance in the passing line between O5 and O2, with his chest pointing up the court (to make sure O1 doesn't make a cut towards the ball).

It's very important to always secure the high-post, this to keep a good triangle (defenders 1,4,5) for rebounding. The weak spot is if the shot is taken from the point-guard position).

If O4 makes a cut toward the basket, defenders must first of all use fundamentals skills, such as bumping the cut, but also make sure he follows the player until other defenders can pick him up.
5) Rules for the key defenders - D1 and D2.

1. Secure high-post!!

2. From of the picture you can see the movement of defenders 1 and 2. To talk is the most important thing, but a thing to keep in mind is to never move from ball-position to ball-position.

Zonal 1-2-2
1) Red players are the defensive team.

The zonal defense is set up as shown.

The attacking side may try to make runs into the key to try and score.
2) The players are cut off by marking them. as soon as the attacker comes within a certain range that the defender thinks is unsafe, the defender marks that attacker.

The attackers may try to pass the ball to opposition even if they are marked well.

Also the attackers may decide to retreat.

If they don't retreat, the defenders can keep the men marked.
3) The attackers will soon get agitated and try to move around a lot faster to try and get the ball.

The defenders should keep them marked at all times.

If the attacker is in a none deadly position, the defender may play as spare man and watch and organize the squad.
4) If the ball does get to another attacking player, (which it probably will) the spare man should either:
a) try to intercept the ball or
b) mark the attacker if unsure

Meanwhile the other defenders should be marking and cutting of the ball from reaching other attackers.
5) The attacker with the ball may then decide to:
a) try passing the ball to a team-mate (even though it won't get there) or
b) drive in and go for the lay-up

Either way the attacker is foiled.

Defender no.5 can intercept the ball if passed and he can mark and stop the player from driving.

The other defenders should be able to react if the attackers make a quick break.
6) The attackers will soon tire and retreat to try their luck at another attack.
7) If they do retreat then the defenders should resume their zonal positions again.

The attackers will try and draw you out by passing around each other, around the key.
8) Now when the ball is passed, intercept it.
9) Try to intercept the ball where the pass is the longest. There you should stand a chance.

The remaining defenders should then cover for their partners.

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